Third Grade Reading Legislation

In order for students to be college and career ready, it is important that they have strong literacy skills.  In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed House Bill No. 4822 to ensure that children who exit third grade are reading at grade level. 

This legislation requires that each school administers an ongoing assessment to identify each child's reading progress.  These assessments will be administered three times per year and the first must be administered within thirty days of school beginning.  If a child exhibits a reading deficiency, the district will provide an Individual Reading Improvement Plan (iRIP) to address challenge areas and provide training and resources for parents and guardians.

Public Act 7 of 2023 repeals the retention component of the state’s Read by Grade Three (RBG3) law (MCL 380.1280f), which became effective February 13, 2024. Current third-grade students (school year 2023-24) will not be identified for retention because the M-STEP will not be administered before the repeal goes into effect. All other components of the RBG3 law will remain in effect, including individual reading improvement plans (IRIPs). The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has updated the RBG3 website to align resources with legislation.

Although the school focuses on early literacy throughout the school day, we still need your support.  Family engagement plays a vital role in a child's success as a reader.  As a partner in your child's education, we encourage you to communicate with your child’s teacher regarding their progress.  We are committed to ensure that your child receives the foundational literacy skills needed to help thrive in our diverse and global world.

For more information, please contact Emily Graham, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Instruction and Resilience at