Contact Information


West Middle School Main Office: 313-295-5783

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding,

Mr. Williams

Academic Assistance


To provide service as required by your child’s IEP, this class is designed to help your child in any area where he or she has difficulty.  I emphasize responsibility, punctuality, organization and socially acceptable behaviors. Throughout the year, we will be focusing on study skills which include learning to take notes, learning to study, learning how to read and write more effectively, and test taking skills. We will also continue to reinforce topics studied within the core classes. Participation in and being prepared for this class is very important!

Progress Reports/Parent Connect

Progress reports will be sent home approximately once a month to let you know how your child is performing in his or her classes.   General education teachers do not accept late work. However, if your child turns the assignment into me, credit will be given.  Parents and students are able to access their grades through Parent/Student Connect at anytime.  If you do not have access to Parent Connect yet, please contact Student Services at 313-295-5742.  You will receive a password from them.  Please remember some teachers may not post grades a day or two after assignment was due. 


Homework will be given in core classes.  Homework should be completed at home. However-questions and confusion are often part of the learning experience. I expect that all students make an effort to try their homework at home. Should questions arise, I will be more than happy to answer them and help out!  Please ask questions!!  


Attendance – absent work = student responsibility; remember to check the assignment calendar; absent work must be turned in for credit; 1 day for every day of absence)

Assignments - Name, Date, Hour, and Assignment are a must on all papers

Grades – Percentage of total points; class work, homework, tests and quizzes

Passes – No locker passes – use your time wisely.  Passes will be given for extreme emergencies.

NO GUM                 NO CELL PHONES      

Classroom Expectations

Our classroom expectations will be our school motto, “SOAR”, which will be used by all classrooms and grades at West Middle School.

  • S – Self Control (Think it through before doing it.  I am in control of myself and my behavior.) 

  • O – On Task (Try, try, try! Never give up.  Always do my best.)

  • A – Act Responsibly (Do the right thing even when no one else is watching. Wrong is wrong, even if others are doing it.)

  • R – Respectful (Understand and respect the feelings of others.  Be kind to myself and others in all I think, do and say.)

Class Grading Scale

A+  100 – 97%            C     76 – 74%  

A    96 – 93%             C-  73 – 70%

A-   92 - 90%             D+   69 – 67%

B+   89 – 87%            D    66 – 65%

B    86 – 84%              D-   64 – 60%

B-   83 – 80%             E    59 – 0%

C+   79 – 77%